Saturday, March 21, 2009

Relief Society Birthday Remarks

Opening Remarks by our fabulous Enrichment Leader, Cathy Nielsen

Happy 167th birthday Relief Society!

What a wonderful history we have in this great organization. Just think that some of our grandmothers and great grandmothers and perhaps beyond probably gathered in a meeting like this to celebrate the society’s organization in 1842.

Membership has grown to millions worldwide. But regardless of time or place, Relief Society still means lifting one another spiritually, loving and taking care of one another, and absorbing insight and inspiration from other women headed in the right direction.

When Emma Smith stated with no small amount of vision: “We are going to do something extraordinary”, she was certainly prophetic. What has transpired through the past 167 years has been nothing short of extraordinary. Women have responded magnificently to a multitude of pressing calls. Relief Society spans the globe and represents women who come in every age, shape and color.

Throughout the world, other women’s organizations have come and gone. But if anything, the relevance of Relief Society in the lives of women and its importance to the Church are greater today than ever. And yet, as was articulated by Mother Smith, our basic goal as Relief Society sisters has remained the same, it is to “cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.”

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