Thursday, March 19, 2009

Living With Others in Peace and Harmony

A group of armed militia men barged into the home of Joseph Smith's parents in Far West. The said they were there to kill Joseph because of some crime he supposedly committed. Joseph, who was there visiting at the time, got up and with a smile offered his hand to each of the men. The men were taken back by his courage and his pleasant manner. Joseph sat down with them and engaged in a conversation. He explained what the Mormons had been through and how they had never broken the law but if they had, they were willing to be tried by the law. The manner in which Joseph boldy yet kindly spoke to these men, helped them quickly change their opinion him. This group of militia men went from wanting to kill Joseph, to liking him, to wanting to defend him.

"Jesus said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God'". We have been given a charge to cultivate peace with one another. We can do this out of our determination to not find fault with one another, to respect the freedom others have to believe as they choose and to develop charity in our own hearts.

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