Sunday, September 21, 2008

Teacher's Corner

Lesson 18 - Angela Lee - Sep 21

Angela Lee taught an energetic lesson entitled "Beyond the Veil: Life in the Eternities", which was a continuation of Kristi's lesson last week on the plan of salvation. We learned that Joseph Smith was translating the New Testament in 1832, and came upon some references for heaven. Logic dictated that there must be levels in heaven, so he and Sidney Rigdon prayed for an answer. They were given a vision recorded as Section 76 in the Doctrine and Covenants, known as the Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory.

These degrees of heaven are labeled as the Telestial Kingdom, symbolized with a star; the Terrestrial Kingdom, symbolized with a moon; and the Celestial Kingdom, symbolized with the sun. There is an extensive list of requirements for each kingdom in section 76, but the following is a brief list. Those who receive the glory of the Telestial, or lowest kingdom, are those who reject Christ both here on earth and in the post-mortal life. The heirs of the Terrestrial kingdom do not accept Christ here, but do in the post-mortal life. Those worthy of Celestial glory are valiant in their testimony of Jesus Christ, and have the opportunity to live in eternal family units if they reach exaltation, which is the highest level of the Celestial kingdom.

This life is so important! How we decide to live in this brief experience will dictate where we will live and who with for all eternity. Sisters, we are on the right track!


Angela Marie said...

This thought came to me last night. The lowest kingdom of glory, the telestial, is compared to the glory of the stars. This is the reward for those who basically loved the things of this world more than Jesus. Isn't it ironic that we refer to celebrities in Hollywood as "The Stars"? And why do we say "Reach for the Stars"? Shouldn't we at least be "shooting for the moon (terrestrial)"? Do we even consider reaching for the sun (celestial)? Maybe we just need the faith that we won't get burned.

PaigesPages said...

Great lesson angela, I got to sneak out of YW to vist RS under the notion I was going to RS with my sister. Sneaky huh! I miss RS lessons :(

Ginger said...

Great point Angela, there is really nothing about Hollywood that I would want to 'reach'for. We do tend to set our sights too low sometimes.

Kricket said...

I am so sorry I missed your lesson, but I'm glad that a summary of it is posted on the website. This is extremely helpful to me because sometimes we have to leave early- although rarely.

Thanks Angela for the chocolate!
