It's a new year and we have a new theme......
FLIGHT TIME: 11 months, 3 weeks (counting down to end of the year)
DESTINATION: Some place closer to God than you are today.. Now that we have reached our cruising altitude, we invite you sit back, relax, and enjoy the view.
As your "flight crew" our goal this year is to help you use your flight time to EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS through service, increased knowledge, and spiritual growth.
FLIGHT TIME: 11 months, 3 weeks (counting down to end of the year)
DESTINATION: Some place closer to God than you are today.. Now that we have reached our cruising altitude, we invite you sit back, relax, and enjoy the view.
As your "flight crew" our goal this year is to help you use your flight time to EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS through service, increased knowledge, and spiritual growth.
Aundrea (your Flight Attendant) spoke to us about service.
We are a service oriented people, dutifully answering the "call buttons" that are constantly being pushed. However, as we are instructed during the inflight safety presentation, we need to attach our own oxygen masks before assisting others. We all need to engage in service, but unless we take care of ourselves, we won't be very useful in the Lord's hands. It's not selfish to take time for yourself when it makes you better able to serve others. Attach your own "oxygen" first, then take care of your family and then reach out to your ward and community. Even the smallest acts of service make a tremendous impact for good in the lives of others. The service to which all of us have been called is the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
Angela (your First Officer) spoke about using time well and increasing knowledge. Once aboard a flight you are encouraged to take time to review the safety card.
If there was an emergency, clearly those who studied the safety card would have a better understanding of what they should do. Joseph Smith said "knowledge does away with darkness, anxiety and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is." He also taught that knowledge was a necessary part of our mortal journey, for "a man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge" and "whatever principle of intelligence we attain in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection" (Doctrine & Covenants 130:18). We also learn from verse 19, that the more knowledge we have the greater our advantage will be in the life to come. What are we doing with our time? How many of us could swap some time spent idly on the computer or in front of the TV, with time spent learning something new? In a recent conference address, President Uchtdorf said "For the members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea, it's a commandment." We are not just to increase our knowledge of spiritual matters, but also of temporal and secular. This year, make it a goal to become more knowledgeable about anything that is "virtuous, lovely" or of "good report".
Ginger (our Captain) spoke to us about spiritual growth.
We cannot guarantee that you will not have some turbulence during your flight this year. And just as the seat belt will keep anchored down so will your personal spiritual strength. You might be able to loosen it for short periods of time but only during the smoothest part of the flight. Your spiritual excellence will grow as you gain an even greater understanding and knowledge of God, our Heavenly Father and your relationship to him as a daughter of God. The urge to rise above yourself is a recognition of your need for the Atonement to work in your life, and your need to be sure that it is working. When that change of heart comes to us, when we are cleansed and blameless before God, it will be because we have been made pure by the blood of Christ. You will have put yourself so often in the Master's service, bringing the cleansing, companionship of the Holy Ghost, that you will be on the front row, early, whenever and wherever the Master calls.
Ginger (our Captain) spoke to us about spiritual growth.
Have you ever flown on a cloudy day? As the plane ascends above the clouds, the horizon becomes an endless expanse of bright light. The goal for the Felicita Ward Relief Society in 2010 is to rise above the obstacles that obstruct our view and expand our horizons through service, increased knowledge and most importantly, growing spiritually. When this flight lands, we hope to be some place closer to Heavenly Father than we are today.
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