Monday, August 31, 2009

Family Home Evening

This weeks Family Home Evening Lesson is on AARONIC PRIESTHOOD. You can find it by clicking on the link:

Don't forget you can always find additional lessons (we have a ton of them) by going to the sidebar and clicking on the Family Home Evening Label. It is near the bottom of the page on the right.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are you Spritualy Fit? - Bishop Knowlton

Our spiritual heath is like our physical health. We need to keep a balance so we can have best life possible.

Like anything there are times when we slip. Yet that does not mean we give up.

"Brothers and sisters, we have to stay with it. We don’t acquire eternal life in a sprint—this is a race of endurance. We have to apply and reapply the divine gospel principles. Day after day we need to make them part of our normal life." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Here are some areas identified that are important to our spiritual health.

  1. Daily personal Scripture Study
  2. Personal Prayer

    "To those ... who are struggling with challenges and difficulties large and small, prayer is the provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace. Prayer is the means by which we approach our Father in Heaven, who loves us. Speak to Him in prayer and then listen for the answer. Miracles are wrought through prayer." President Thomas S. Monson

  3. Paying a tithe
  4. Fasting
  5. Temple Attendance

    "Set specific goals, considering your circumstances, of when you can and will participate in temple ordinances. Then do not allow anything to interfere with that plan." Elder Richard G. Scott Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
  6. Faith
Assess how you are doing in each area. Be honest with yourself. Then, until the next time you assess yourself, work at improving the areas you fell short in. Hopefully we will all become more spiritually fit.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Engaging Without Being Defensive by Elder M. Russell Ballard

This is an abridgment. Full article here.

Recently I saw some research about how other people see members of the Church. It suggested that members of our Church can sometimes appear very defensive to those who are not members of the Church.

This was not the first time I have heard that kind of observation. But the more I have thought about it, the more I understand it. If we are not careful, we may convey a sense of defensiveness in our communications with others.

I think I understand something of the reasons. From the time Joseph Smith walked out of the Sacred Grove in 1820, there have been those who have reacted negatively, even with hostility to our message. That is now an indelible part of history. And yet this isn’t 1830, and there aren’t just six of us anymore. In our interactions with others, are we expecting always to have to defend ourselves? If so, I think we need to make a course correction

If we want to be respected today for who we are, then we need to act confidently — secure in the knowledge of who we are and what we stand for, and not as if we have to apologize for our beliefs.

I’m going to give you two suggestions for how to engage in conversations nondefensively.

First suggestion: Don’t let irrelevant issues drown out the more important subjects.

"… If the Church allowed critics and opponents to choose the ground on which its battles are fought, it would risk being distracted from the focus and mission it has pursued successfully for nearly 180 years. Instead, the Church itself will determine its own course as it continues to preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.”

Now my second suggestion to you is to emphasize that Latter-day Saints follow Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ teaches. We try to follow Him in all that we do.

This is your foundation. It was Joseph Smith’s foundation. He said: “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, he was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”

Please remember you do not need to feel like you must justify your beliefs; you simply need to explain them in the spirit of love and kindness. The truth always prevails when true doctrine is taught.

I want to leave you my testimony. I bear witness to you that Jesus is the Christ. He is the Son of God. He does live. This is His Church. We’re on His errand. He has given us teachings and commandments. We should understand them and teach them with love, power and spiritual strength.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Young Men/Young Women Service Project

They are making book bags and school supplies for orphans throughout the world. They need:
6 notebooks (8 1/2 x 11 or 8 x 10 1/2)
4 unsharpened pencils
1 set assorted color pencils (at least 12 colors)
1 eraser (1-2 in.)
1 blunt nosed scissors - metal blade
1 pencil sharpener
1 straighted-edged ruler 12 in. with metric

You can place in a box in the Relief Society Room on Sunday. Deadline is September 6.

How are you doing?

How are you coming with your reading commitment? Remember to read 4 articles from the last conference issue of the Ensign. Our next drawing will be in September. It is for the book, "Saying It Like It Is" by Sheri Dew. From the book, "Living as a Latter-day Saint is not easy, but it is easier than the alternative. The cost of discipleship, as high as it may be, is less than the price of sin - less costly than having the Holy Ghost withdraw or losing self-respect or jeopardizing eternal life.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Super Saturday Crafts

Super Saturday is October 10. Watch for prices and the display to go up the first week in September by the Relief Society Room.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Are You Prepared?

Here are some websites you might find helpful regarding emergency preparedness and food storage: is a website for items contained in a 72 hour kit. is a website with a list of important documents that we should have in a binder in case we have an emergency. is an emergency preparedness blog

Other good preparedness sites: (Go to self reliance to find freeze-dried and other
foods in #10 cans)