Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
More Diligent and Concerned at Home by Elder David A. Bednar
Suggestion Number One: Express Love—and Show It
We should remember that saying “I love you” is only a beginning. We need to say it, we need to mean it, and most importantly we need consistently to show it. We need to both express and demonstrate love.President Thomas S. Monson recently counseled: “Often we assume that [the people around us] must know how much we love them. But we should never assume; we should let them know. … We will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us” (“Finding Joy in the Journey,” Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2008, 86).
Suggestion Number Two: Bear Testimony—and Live It
The bearing of testimony need not be lengthy or eloquent. And we do not need to wait until the first Sunday of the month to declare our witness of things that are true. Within the walls of our own homes, we can and should bear pure testimony of the divinity and reality of the Father and the Son, of the great plan of happiness, and of the Restoration.
Suggestion Number Three: Be Consistent
As we seek the Lord’s help and in His strength, we can gradually reduce the disparity between what we say and what we do, between expressing love and consistently showing it, and between bearing testimony and steadfastly living it. We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Teacher's Corner
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Martyrdom: The Prophet Seals His Testimony with His Blood
In October 1843, the Prophet said: “I defy all the world to destroy the work of God; and I prophesy they never will have power to kill me till my work is accomplished, and I am ready to die.”Before his death, Joseph Smith conferred upon the Twelve Apostles every priesthood key and power that the Lord had sealed upon him.
Parley P. Pratt, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, wrote: “This great and good man was led, before his death, to call the Twelve together, from time to time, and to instruct them in all things pertaining to the kingdom, ordinances, and government of God. He often observed that he was laying the foundation, but it would remain for the Twelve to complete the building. Said he, ‘I know not why; but for some reason I am constrained to hasten my preparations, and to confer upon the Twelve all the ordinances, keys, covenants, endowments, and sealing ordinances of the priesthood, and so set before them a pattern in all things pertaining to the sanctuary [the temple] and the endowment therein.’The Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum lived great and died great for their testimonies of the gospel.
“Having done this, he rejoiced exceedingly; for, said he, the Lord is about to lay the burden on your shoulders and let me rest awhile; and if they kill me, continued he, the kingdom of God will roll on, as I have now finished the work which was laid upon me, by committing to you all things for the building up of the kingdom according to the heavenly vision, and the pattern shown me from heaven.”
Doctrine and Covenants 135:3 Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated!Joseph Smith fulfilled his earthly mission and sealed his testimony with his blood.
George Albert Smith, the eighth President of the Church, declared: “Joseph Smith performed his mission; and when the time came that he was face to face with death, he said, ‘I am going like a lamb to the slaughter, but I am calm as a summer morning. I have a conscience void of offense toward God and toward all men. If they take my life, I shall die an innocent man, and my blood shall cry from the ground for vengeance, and it shall yet be said of me, “He was murdered in cold blood.” ‘ [See D&C 135:4.] He was not afraid to stand before the pleasing bar of our Father in heaven and answer for the deeds done in the body. He was not afraid to meet the charge that had been made against him, that he was deceiving the people and dealing unjustly with them. He was not afraid of the result of his life’s mission, and of the final triumph of the work which he knew was of divine origin, and for which he gave his life.”
Joseph Smith’s Feelings about His Prophetic Mission
“It is my meditation all the day, and more than my meat and drink, to know how I shall make the Saints of God comprehend the visions that roll like an overflowing surge before my mind. Oh! how I would delight to bring before you things which you never thought of! But poverty and the cares of the world prevent. … “Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to Almighty God, that rays of light begin to burst forth upon us even now. I cannot find words in which to express myself. I am not learned, but I have as good feelings as any man. Oh, that I had the language of the archangel to express my feelings once to my friends! But I never expect to in this life.”Although prophets are men with human frailties, they are called of God to teach and lead His people.
Despite opposition, prophets fulfill the missions given to them by God.“When did I ever teach anything wrong from this stand? When was I ever confounded? I want to triumph in Israel before I depart hence and am no more seen. I never told you I was perfect; but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught. Must I, then, be thrown away as a thing of naught?”
“I speak boldly and faithfully and with authority. … I know what I say; I understand my mission and business. God Almighty is my shield; and what can man do if God is my friend? I shall not be sacrificed until my time comes; then I shall be offered freely. … I thank God for preserving me from my enemies; I have no enemies but for the truth’s sake. I have no desire but to do all men good. I feel to pray for all men.”Prophets love those they serve and desire to lead them well, even if doing so requires reproving them.
"The Saints need not think because I am familiar with them and am playful and cheerful, that I am ignorant of what is going on. Iniquity of any kind cannot be sustained in the Church, and it will not fare well where I am; for I am determined while I do lead the Church, to lead it right."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Things to be Thankful For
Smell of fresh baked bread..Smell of fresh cut grass..Sunlight, moonlight and star light..Beautiful music..Living prophet..My Savior
Life..Love..Forgiveness..Laughter..Freedom..Repentance..Colors..Restful sleep..Any sleep..Sunrises, sunsets..Modern technology
Advances in medicine..Wholesome Entertainment. ..Knowledge..Testimony..Faith..Prayer..Personal revelation..Dishwashers & washing machines & vacuum cleaners..Running water..Indoor Plumbing....Farmers..fresh stores..Friends.. family..Christmas spirit..Tender Mercies..mountain and ocean views..birds singing..ocean breezes..rain drops..snow food .transportation.. Restored Gospel..blooming flowers..random acts of kindness..comfortable bed..good books
These are just a few things I came up with. Please feel free to comment on this post and add to my list.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Live in Thanksgiving Daily
Robert Louis Stevenson said, "The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life". May we make it a habit to offer thanksgiving daily for those things we often take for granted. No matter how difficult our circumstances may be or become, an attitude of gratitude lifts our spirits and qualifies us for even more blessings.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
None Were With Him
Brothers and sisters, one of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path—the merciful care of our Father in Heaven, the unfailing companionship of this Beloved Son, the consummate gift of the Holy Ghost, angels in heaven, family members on both sides of the veil, prophets and apostles, teachers, leaders, friends. All of these and more have been given as companions for our mortal journey because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His gospel. Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are. Truly the Redeemer of us all said: “I will not leave you comfortless: [My Father and] I will come to you [and abide with you].”He asked at the end a few thing of us.
Now, may I ask that never again will He have to confront sin without our aid and assistance, that never again will He find only unresponsive onlookers when He sees you and me along His Via Dolorosa in our present day. ...May we declare ourselves to be more fully disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, not in word only and not only in the flush of comfortable times but in deed and in courage and in faith, including when the path is lonely and when our cross is difficult to bear. This Easter week and always, may we stand by Jesus Christ “at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in, even until death,” for surely that is how He stood by us when it was unto death and when He had to stand entirely and utterly alone. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Greatest Dispensation of all Time
Joseph Smith was told in 1830 he would be given “the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth” (D&C 27:13).
What keys were eventually given as part of the restoration?
No fewer than 12 resurrected beings visited him over time to restore the keys they had held as prophets in their dispensations. These keys include the ministering of angels, gathering of Israel, and the priesthood to perfect and seal families. Joseph Smith testified that he did in fact have these keys: “I myself hold the keys of this last dispensation, and I forever will hold them in time and in eternity. So set your hearts at rest, for all is well.”
With these things restored the authority was on the earth to bring about the fulness of times. Joseph said that the fulness of times would include "those things which never have been revealed from the foundation of the world, but have been kept hid from the wise and prudent, shall be revealed unto babes and sucklings in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times.” D&C 128:18)
What are those things, and is it true that even children in this dispensation know things that the wise and prudent did not know in previous dispensations?
In our everyday world we have inventions, travel, and communication that have made access to temples and missionary work possible on a huge scale. We have the Book of Mormon, something no other dispensation has had. Not only that, but we have the Book of Mormon in combination with the Bible to confirm, clarify, and testify of the Savior. Primary children the world over commonly sing songs based on these gospel principles.
Our dispensation will have the authority to receive all light and truth. We certainly have witnesses and commentaries that have never been so widely known as before; persons who have studied and been enlightened, then passed on that knowledge to us such as Bruce R. McConkie, Neal A. Maxwell, Joseph Fielding Smith, Gordon B. Hinckley and so many others. We are also promised personal revelation, the results of which we see every day in our lives.
Some things are yet to come such as the Brass Plates, the records of the Ten Tribes, and the "times, glories, and laws of the sun, moon, and stars."
These things are to be made known "unto His servants, to prepare the earth for the return of His glory". If this preparation is to be done, it will be done by those now living.
If it is our job, what is it we must do?
The words of the prophet tell us that this work will require the Saints to lay aside every selfish principle, stand forward in the cause of truth, and call in to action their energy, skill, talent, ability, and concentration.
There are promises to those favored to bring about these things.
We will be blessed "to see, participate in, and help to roll forward the Latter-day glory." He said: “Here, then, . . . is a work to engage in worthy of archangels—a work which will cast into the shade the things which have been heretofore accomplished; a work which kings and prophets and righteous men in former ages have sought, expected, and earnestly desired to see, but died without the sight; and well will it be for those who shall aid in carrying into effect the mighty operations of Jehovah.”
"The work of the Lord in these last days is one of vast magnitude and almost beyond the comprehension of mortals. Its glories are past description, and its grandeur unsurpassable. It is the theme which has animated the bosom of prophets and righteous men from the creation of the world down through every succeeding generation to the present time; and it is truly the dispensation of the fullness of times, when all things which are in Christ Jesus, whether in heaven or on the earth, shall be gathered together in Him, and when all things shall be restored, as spoken of by all the holy prophets since the world began; for in it will take place the glorious fulfilment (sic) of the promises made to the fathers, while the manifestations of the power of the Most High will be great, glorious, and sublime.
The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad . . .”
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Articles of Faith of Mormon Culture
2. We believe that church ball players should be punished for their own fouls, and not for unsportsmanlike aggression.
3. We believe that through bread crumbs, cheese, creamy soups, and rice all casseroles can be saved through obedience to wardcookbooks and creativity in the mixing bowl.
4. We believe that the first layers and ingredients of the Dip are: first, beans; second, cheese; third, chopped tomatoes; fourth, thegift of sour cream; fifth, olives; sixth, salsa; seventh, guacamole, that is, if you have it.
5. We believe that a Mormon should have a distinguished or a cute name, that it is appropriate to name a child after a church leader or a historical figure including an ancestor, that alternative spellings and French prefixes only add to a name, and that when referring tothe names of General Authorities, middle initials should be a part thereof.
6. We believe in the same wall decor that exists in many Mormon homes, namely, framed family proclamations, vinyl lettering, inspirational word signs, family photos, pictures of temples and Jesus, and so forth.
7. We believe in the gift of the re-gift, church books, crafts, family photos, baked goods, emergency supply kits, and so forth.
8. We believe in sparkling grape juice so long as it is nonalcoholic; we also believe in bringing root beer and sprite to ward parties.
9. We believe in all that we have scrapbooked, all that we will now scrapbook, and we believe that we will yet scrapbook many great and important things pertaining to our family, friends, pets, and vacations.
10. We believe in the literal mixing of ketchup and mayo and in the generous application of ranch dressing; that CBAs (church-based acronyms) will be used to describe YM/YW, PEC, the Y, NCMO, and CTR; that Mitt Romney will get Mormons to vote for him any time he runs; and, that the Mormons will enjoy reading Twilight and The Work and the Glory.
11. We claim the privilege of trying to identify common acquaintances with any visitor at church, and allow all other people at church thesame privilege. Let them name drop the names of the famous and general authorities how, where, or whenever they may.
12. We believe in being subject to scoutmasters, pampered chef hostesses, and the writers of the U.S. News and World Report Rankings for professional schools, and in obeying, honoring, and sustaining Glenn Beck.
13. We believe in being above average, good at crafts, optimistic, and in being ten to fifteen minutes late everywhere we go. Indeed, we may say that we follow BYU football. We believe rumors about famous people joining the church, we hope to meet the three Nephites, we have endured many pyramid schemes, and hope to be able to endure all pyramid schemes. If there is anything cheap, free, sold in bulk, or given away when somebody is moving, we seek afterthese things.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
G Group is Coming Up
Stake Christmas Show
Save a Date
U.S. Constitution Class
Craft Group Update
For all you sisters that still have unfinished projects join the craft group on Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. at Lynn Muir's home to finish those projects or just start a new one.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
“He Was a Prophet of God”
Mary Alice Cannon Lambert, an English convert who emigrated to Nauvoo in 1843: “I first saw Joseph Smith in the Spring of 1843. When the boat in which we came up the Mississippi River reached the landing at Nauvoo, several of the leading brethren were there to meet the company of saints that had come on it. Among those brethren was the Prophet Joseph Smith. I knew him the instant my eyes rested upon him, and at that moment I received my testimony that he was a Prophet of God. … He was not pointed out to me. I knew him from all the other men, and, child that I was (I was only fourteen) I knew that I saw a Prophet of God.”
Joseph Smith, also, had many Christlike attributes.
Parley P. Pratt, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles from 1835 to 1857: “(President Joseph Smith's) countenance was ever mild, affable, beaming with intelligence and benevolence... He possessed a noble boldness and independence of character; his manner was easy and familiar; his rebuke terrible as the lion; his benevolence unbounded as the ocean; his intelligence universal.”
John M. Bernhisel, a medical doctor who boarded in Joseph and Emma’s home in Nauvoo for several months during 1843 and 1844: “Joseph Smith is naturally a man of strong mental powers, and is possessed of much energy and decision of character, great penetration, and a profound knowledge of human nature. He is a man of calm judgment, enlarged views, and is eminently distinguished by his love of justice. He is kind and obliging, generous and benevolent, sociable and cheerful, and is possessed of a mind of a contemplative and reflective character. He is honest, frank, fearless and independent, and as free from dissimulation [false appearances] as any man to be found. … As a religious teacher, as well as a man, he is greatly beloved by this people.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
October Gerneral Conference
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Super Saturday Schedule - October 10
9-10:00 Ribbon Trees with Anne
9:30-10:30 Nativity with Paige
10:00-10:30 Picture blocks with April
10:30-11:00 Christmas center piece with Aundrea
11:00-11:30 Bracelets with Katie
Anytime between 9 to 11:00 Necklaces with Deborah
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Family Home Evening

This weeks Family Home Evening Lesson is on PATIENCE. You can find it by clicking on the link:
Don't forget you can always find additional lessons (we have a ton of them) by going to the sidebar and clicking on the Family Home Evening Label. It is near the bottom of the page on the right.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
"Camp Mama"
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Be Of Good Cheer- President Thomas S. Monson
What are the blessings that come to you as a member of the Church?
None of us go through life without problems or challenges and often times tragedies and misfortunes. As hard as these events are in our lives, we are here to learn and grow from them. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy."- 2 Nephi 2:25
How might we have joy in our lives despite the trials that we face?
D&C 68:6 "Wherefore, be of good acheer, and do not bfear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you..."
President Monson gave three examples in his talk of people that suffered and yet maintained their faith in and love of God. They were also happy despite the trials that they had gone through. Please read their stories in his talk.
We have all been blessed with the light of Christ in our lives. We are not left alone to walk our path of life, no matter how dark the way may be.
M. Louse Haskins wrote these words.
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
"Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown!"
And he replied:
"Go out into the darkness and put you hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you a better than a light and safer than a known way."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Super Saturday
U.S. Constitution Class
Book Club for October
Project Warm Souls
General Relief Society Broadcast September 26, 2009
Last names A-G Salads/ H-P Soups/ Q-Z Desserts
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Missionary Moments - News From Elder Weston
So, let's start off with yesterday. We're biking down the road on the way to see this guy named Guillermo that we taught last week. We were still about ten minutes away from his apartment. All of the sudden, this lady over by her house sees us, screams, and comes running out at us, yelling, "Oh, there is a Father in Heaven! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Needless to say, we were somewhat astonished at this rather unusual greeting. But we were stopped and we talked with her for a minute, and we found out that she was baptized a few years ago, but fell a little bit inactive. She's been having a really rough time with life lately, and right before we rode by, she was just sitting and praying that she could find someone that would be able to help her and talk with her. Then we rode by. It amazes me thinking about it, just because of the way that things worked out that day. The whole day kind of fell apart on top of our heads, due to people not being home, rides not working out, and culminating in me reading the map wrong and us fjording a little bayou. And all of it worked together to put us right in front of Diana's house right after she prayed for help. That's a miracle, I think. Or just God using our bad planning for His own purposes. I don't know. :)
Anyway, aside from that, the Rivera family is getting baptized this weekend. Yes, that is a little bit sudden. I agree. It was kind of weird how it all worked out. We were over there last week talking with Hermana Rivera, and we were just inquiring as to whether they were any closer to baptism (she and the two kids have been ready for a long time, they've just needed the husband's permission), and she said, about as casually as mentioning that it looked like rain, that they'd be baptized as soon as they all got over their respective sicknesses. (She's a pretty gentle, laid-back person.) We didn't quite pick it up at first, so we asked, and she confirmed what she said the first time. We didn't want to disturb the laid back mood, so we said, "Oh, that's cool." Then we freaked out when we got out of ear-shot. So, one thing led to another, and now they're getting baptized this weekend. It's kind of short notice, so we're still banging out the details, but we'll take care of it. Yay!
met a family named the Hernandez's this week, and they are way cool. The husband, Maurisio, was a referral from a member that had showed up at the Broadway 2nd ward one day. (Turns out it was his sister.) So, we went over, met them, and found out that they are a dang awesome family. Maurisio's a member, but he hasn't been to church in a while. His wife, Liset, isn't a member, but she's really cool too. We talked with them for a while, then shared some scriptures about faith. We went back over and watched the Restoration movie with them on Sunday, and it touched everyone. I think especially Maurisio, since he hasn't been to church in a while, but his sister had to get up a few times for tissues herself. We're still not sure what Liset thinks, but she did tell us that she's curious about the Mormon religion. Plus, they fed us dinner Sunday night before we watched the movie. And they play Frisbee. (On the Wii, but we could probably get them outside to play.) So, they are an all around cool family.
Also, we met another random guy that we taught the gospel last week. We have a less active guy in our apartment complex named Hermano Gomez. We were over there visiting him on Saturday, and there was another guy there named Juan. I guess Juan's living with Hno. Gomez for a little while because they're working together. So, we shared a scripture before we left, and invited Juan to come listen too. We talked for a little bit, then invited hime to come to church the next day. He said he wanted too, since he's never been to church before. So, we figured out a ride, and he came. It was testimony Sunday, of course. That's the scariest day for missionaries to bring investigators to church because you never know what people are going to say. Luckily, he was interested, and only had to ask a few questions after the meeting was over. He really liked the church meeting, and said that he wants to come back next week. Now we just need to get him to be home a couple of times so that we can teach him. :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lesson 41 "Becoming Saviors on Mt. Zion"
“All those who have not had an opportunity of hearing the Gospel, and being administered unto by an inspired man in the flesh, must have it hereafter, before they can be finally judged.”
“It is no more incredible that God should save the dead, than that he should raise the dead.
“There is never a time when the spirit is too old to approach God. All are within the reach of pardoning mercy, who have not committed the unpardonable sin, which hath no forgiveness, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.
“For illustration, suppose the case of two men, brothers, equally intelligent, learned, virtuous and lovely, walking in uprightness and in all good conscience, so far as they have been able to discern duty from the muddy stream of tradition, or from the blotted page of the book of nature.
“One dies and is buried, having never heard the Gospel of reconciliation; to the other the message of salvation is sent, he hears and embraces it, and is made the heir of eternal life. Shall the one become the partaker of glory and the other be consigned to hopeless perdition? Is there no chance for his escape? Sectarianism answers ‘none.’ …
“This doctrine presents in a clear light the wisdom and mercy of God in preparing an ordinance for the salvation of the dead, being baptized by proxy, their names recorded in heaven and they judged according to the deeds done in the body. This doctrine was the burden of the scriptures. Those Saints who neglect it in behalf of their deceased relatives, do it at the peril of their own salvation.
“It is not only necessary that you should be baptized for your dead, but you will have to go through all the ordinances for them, the same as you have gone through to save yourselves.“… Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation.”
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
What do we do with the powdered milk in our food storage?
Thanksgiving Advents
Book Club Change
Relief Society Temple Night
Super Saturday Sign-ups Going On Now
General Relief Society Broadcast
September 26, 2009
In celebration of the mission of Relief Society we are starting the day at noon until 5 p.m. To participate in a day of service working on quilts for Project Warm Souls! In case you aren’t familiar with this project, we are working to deliver 100 handmade quilts to Interfaith Community Services for Thanksgiving 2009.
All materials are provided, but if you would like to bring your sewing machine to sew quilt tops, please do so!
And then Relief Society Broadcast begins at 5:00pm. Join us afterwards for a good old-fashioned potluck!
Last names A-G Salads/ H-P Soups/ Q-Z Desserts
Monday, August 31, 2009
Family Home Evening

This weeks Family Home Evening Lesson is on AARONIC PRIESTHOOD. You can find it by clicking on the link:
Don't forget you can always find additional lessons (we have a ton of them) by going to the sidebar and clicking on the Family Home Evening Label. It is near the bottom of the page on the right.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Are you Spritualy Fit? - Bishop Knowlton
Our spiritual heath is like our physical health. We need to keep a balance so we can have best life possible.
Like anything there are times when we slip. Yet that does not mean we give up.
"Brothers and sisters, we have to stay with it. We don’t acquire eternal life in a sprint—this is a race of endurance. We have to apply and reapply the divine gospel principles. Day after day we need to make them part of our normal life." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Here are some areas identified that are important to our spiritual health.
- Daily personal Scripture Study
- Personal Prayer
"To those ... who are struggling with challenges and difficulties large and small, prayer is the provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace. Prayer is the means by which we approach our Father in Heaven, who loves us. Speak to Him in prayer and then listen for the answer. Miracles are wrought through prayer." President Thomas S. Monson
- Paying a tithe
- Fasting
- Temple Attendance
"Set specific goals, considering your circumstances, of when you can and will participate in temple ordinances. Then do not allow anything to interfere with that plan." Elder Richard G. Scott Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
- Faith
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Engaging Without Being Defensive by Elder M. Russell Ballard
This is an abridgment. Full article here.
Recently I saw some research about how other people see members of the Church. It suggested that members of our Church can sometimes appear very defensive to those who are not members of the Church.
This was not the first time I have heard that kind of observation. But the more I have thought about it, the more I understand it. If we are not careful, we may convey a sense of defensiveness in our communications with others.
I think I understand something of the reasons. From the time Joseph Smith walked out of the Sacred Grove in 1820, there have been those who have reacted negatively, even with hostility to our message. That is now an indelible part of history. And yet this isn’t 1830, and there aren’t just six of us anymore. In our interactions with others, are we expecting always to have to defend ourselves? If so, I think we need to make a course correction
I’m going to give you two suggestions for how to engage in conversations nondefensively.
First suggestion: Don’t let irrelevant issues drown out the more important subjects.
"… If the Church allowed critics and opponents to choose the ground on which its battles are fought, it would risk being distracted from the focus and mission it has pursued successfully for nearly 180 years. Instead, the Church itself will determine its own course as it continues to preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.”
Now my second suggestion to you is to emphasize that Latter-day Saints follow Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ teaches. We try to follow Him in all that we do.This is your foundation. It was Joseph Smith’s foundation. He said: “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, he was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”
Please remember you do not need to feel like you must justify your beliefs; you simply need to explain them in the spirit of love and kindness. The truth always prevails when true doctrine is taught.
I want to leave you my testimony. I bear witness to you that Jesus is the Christ. He is the Son of God. He does live. This is His Church. We’re on His errand. He has given us teachings and commandments. We should understand them and teach them with love, power and spiritual strength.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Young Men/Young Women Service Project
6 notebooks (8 1/2 x 11 or 8 x 10 1/2)
4 unsharpened pencils
1 set assorted color pencils (at least 12 colors)
1 eraser (1-2 in.)
1 blunt nosed scissors - metal blade
1 pencil sharpener
1 straighted-edged ruler 12 in. with metric
You can place in a box in the Relief Society Room on Sunday. Deadline is September 6.
How are you doing?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Super Saturday Crafts
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Are You Prepared? is a website for items contained in a 72 hour kit. is a website with a list of important documents that we should have in a binder in case we have an emergency. is an emergency preparedness blog
Other good preparedness sites: (Go to self reliance to find freeze-dried and other
foods in #10 cans)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Family Home Evening

Monday, July 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Advents for August Craft
Excellent Book . . . Start Reading
72 Hour Kits
August Ice Cream Summer Social and Money Matters Mini Classes
Monday, July 20, 2009
Just a thought....
Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed a majestic thought when he said: "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Sunday, July 5, 2009
By learning to follow the Savior in loving one another we develop a stronger sisterhood. We do this when we work together for a good cause like quilting for the humanitarian center, lining caskets for the Garden of Innocence, celebrating and giving Christmas to the St. Clares Home for Women, Food Drives for North County Interfaith, preparing food for a funeral, fulfilling your visiting teaching assignments, attending baby showers, standing together in the protection of marriage, smiling and asking each other how they are doing and standing there waiting for an answer. All the things we do together build a stronger bond of sisterhood and help us become for like the Savior.
Cathy Bird thoughts on sisterhood, “Sisterhood is a profound feeling of trust. The trust that comes with understanding and caring. The trust that comes from knowing those who refrain from unkind words, gossip and criticism. It is a force that when lead properly bring about much good.
“Sisterhood brings to mind humanitarian projects, girl’s camp, temple attendance and visiting teaching. In the LDS faith, especially among those that are endowed, you find sisters with an amazing desire to help, a desire and commitment to accept a request and then do their best. You find women who have left self behind.”
Cathy Nielsen shared, “When I think of sisterhood I think of women of all ages bound together in love and in a common purpose and supporting each other through good times and bad.”
Karlie Draper had this to say about sisterhood, “I believe sisterhood is what holds women together . . . in all stages of life, from teenagers, to when women get married, to having babies, to growing old. It is a foundation of strength that allows for emotions and feelings and goodness to be shared within a trusting community. When you find a woman that you connect with . . . the bond of sisterhood is born and you will have that connection forever. Above all, it is mostly a spiritual bond that you share when you have something like the gospel, and the truth, and doctrine. I think sisterhood is a deeper level than just friendship. It is amazing to think and know that wherever you go and wherever you are . . . even half way across the world you can feel that same feeling of sisterhood in other counties. I visited the island of Tonga a few years ago and there was overwhelming warmth of sisterhood with those island women, I believe it is because we are share in the same spirit. Sisterhood goes deeper than just being cared for, it is a heavenly bond. . .”
Natalie Murray shared her thoughts too, “Sisterhood means to me reaching out to others that are in need and treating them as your own sister. A bond of respect and consideration for each other, always being there for the person who needs you whether it’s just to go get an ice cream and talk or something more serious. To love one another and not judge them or to beat them down, but to always uplift. Sisterhood to me is one of the most powerful gestures that a woman can experience whether it’s being shown to you, or you are the one showing it. I have had countless experiences with sisterhood and I am grateful to this great ward for showing the kindness, a love of sisterhood, to my husband and I when we moved to the ward”
Sisters, we are mighty together. There is consolation in our caring. There is strength in our sharing. We are women of covenant! Every time we watch over one another, godlike qualities of love, patience, kindness, generosity, and spiritual commitment fill the souls of those we visit and enlarge our souls as well.
We can do any thing if we pull together, love one another and support one another. What power for good we can accomplish together.
Update from Deborah Romney
The city is full of Mormon visitors. The core cast of 20 professional actors and a support staff of 25 have been here for two weeks. The families that will be in it for the first one or two weeks arrived more recently, with the others coming in time to rehearse and prepare for their own assigned shows. By the end of the pageant, over 1000 people will have participated in it. It addition, there are daily vignettes on The Trail of Hope, King Follett’s discourse, Women of Nauvoo, Letter of Emma and Joseph, Youth of Zion, and “Go Ye Into All The World” with Parley P. Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor,.Heber C. Kimball, and Brigham Young. I can hardly wait to see it all!!!!!
We continue to work at our sites and perform in our nightly shows. This schedule will continue until August 15th. Then our Young Performing Missionaries and Nauvoo Brass Band members will leave, the Pageant will have ended, and there will be a trickle of tourist until after Labor Day. All of these will leave great memories.
In our Fast and Testimony meeting today, I was moved by the testimonies of so many of young missionaries who have developed great testimonies of Joseph Smith, the Restoration, and the earlier, brave numerous residents of this old city. It is an honor to for us senior missionaries to learn about them, as well. We can’t help but compare our own struggles of daily survival with the incredible ones that they endured on a regular basis. My challenges pale in comparison to theirs. I will never be the same.
I have met some truly wonderful people here, missionaries and visitors. Serving a mission is a choice thing. So many of our Elders and Sisters here are on their third, fourth, or, in one case, eighth missions. Missions keep me thinking about others, and what I know that can help them. It’s a great way to live! I’m looking forward to serving others, as well.
Love from the Great Midwest. I have enjoyed hearing from many of you, and am excited to tell you all in person of the memorable times I have had. Much love, Sister R.
Temple Worship Lesson by Lee Baker
*While participating in temple ordinances, consider your relationship to Jesus Christ and His relationship to our Heavenly Father. This simple act will lead to greater understanding of the supernal nature of the temple ordinances.
*Always prayerfully express gratitude for the incomparable blessings that flow from temple ordinances. Live each day so as to give evidence to Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son of how very much those blessings mean to you.
*Schedule regular visits to the temple.
*Leave sufficient time to be unhurried within the temple walls.
*Rotate activities so that you can participate in all of the ordinances of the temple.
*Remove your watch when you enter a house of the Lord.
*Listen carefully to the presentation of each element of the ordinance with an open mind and heart.
*Be mindful of the individual for whom you are performing the vicarious ordinance. At times pray that he or she will recognize the vital importance of the ordinances and be worthy or prepare to be worthy to benefit from them.
*Recognize that much of the majesty of the sealing ordinance cannot be understood and remembered with one live experience. Substantial subsequent vicarious work permits one to understand much more of what is communicated in the live ordinances.
*Realize that a sealing ordinance is not enduring until after it is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. Both individuals must be worthy and want the sealing to be eternal.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Receiving the Ordinances and Blessing of the Temple
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the Church would not be fully organized, in its proper order, until the Temple was completed, where places would be provided for the administration of the ordinances of the Priesthood. He also taught the purpose for gathering the Lord's people was to build temples and for his people to receive the ordinances, the blessings, and the glories that God had in store for them.
We discussed the wide range of experiences individuals have in the temple...some amazingly visionary, others less dramatic but quietly peaceful. The blessings of the temple we talked about include increased spiritual power, strengthening families, and increased faith in God and the strength to lengthen our strides. Our goal in regards to temple attendance/service is to GOal.....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
First Aid Information
The Bishop (Dr. Knowlton) gave us fabulous information to do our best to keep a healthy heart . . . exercise, exercise and exercise. Good diets help too. He talked about risks and prevention for heart disease, and he also discussed symptoms of heart attacks and treatments for heart disease. A few key points: keep your blood pressure low, yourcholesterol low, watch your fat intake and exercise. Last but not least if you feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest longer than 15 minutes you probably need to get help!
Dr. Legner (Victor) gave us wonderful information and some informative handouts. The First Aid book is found at
Summer Safety Tips handout is at
The child CPR guide is found at
The adult CPR guide is found at
First-Aid Kit:
Everyone should have a well-stocked first-aid kit at home, in the car and in the workplace. You may also want to stock a portable kit (a box or small bag) that can be taken to the site of an emergency. It is important to check your kit regularly to restock items that have been used and to replace items that are out-of-date. The contents of the kit vary depending upon the number of people it is designed to protect, as well as its intent for use. Recommended contents of a first-aid kit includes the following:
- bulb syringe
- scissors
- thermometer (oral and rectal)
- tweezers
- adhesive tape
- butterfly bandages
- elastic bandages
- hypoallergenic tape
- sterile cotton balls
- sterile eye patches
- sterile gauze pads (4" x 4")
- stretchable gauze roll
- waterproof tape
- antacid
- antidiarrheal medication
- antihistamine
- aspirin
- antiseptic ointment
- calamine lotion
- decongestant
- ibuprofen
- sugar or glucose solution
- syrup of ipecac
- acetaminophen
Miscellaneous Items:
- alcohol (rubbing 70 percent)
- alcohol wipes
- blanket
- candles
- chemical ice packs or ice bag
- chemical hot packs or hot water bottle
- cotton swabs
- disposable latex gloves
- first-aid book
- flashlight
- hydrogen peroxide
- insect repellent
- insect sting swabs
- matches
- paper and pencil
- paper cups
- safety pins
- tissues
- tongue blades
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Presidency Message by Sister Proffitt
Marion D. Hanks had a plaque on his office wall that said, “To believe in God is to know that all the rules will be fair and that there will be wonderful surprises.”
Jesus is the Great Healer and his atonement is the heart of our theology. Regardless of whether his sheep run away, lose their way or are stolen away, the Good Shepherd will search for them when they are lost, pick them up, and carry them home, making them “at one” with Him and his Father.
What must it have been like for Eve, the first woman, whose willingness to live a righteous life was constantly tested? She had no precedent, no one who had already been through her experience. She couldn’t call her mother on the phone and ask, “Mom what did you do?” She and Adam only had each other – and the Spirit of the Lord
Poem: Lamentation (click link belowto read)
Does the Atonement speak to such questions? I testify that it does. The gospel of Jesus Christ was not given to prevent our pain. The gospel was given to heal our pain. The Atonement not only can heal us but it can sanctify our trying experiences to our growth.
When it is our turn to ask Eve’s questions, let us “always remember him,” for he will never forget us. His sacrifice for us binds his heart to ours.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
“Summer of Sleuthing—Save Our Ancestors” (SOS) is a family summer activities program sponsored by the Family History Library to introduce families to the fun of family history. With a series of weekly challenges, families can participate in activities that will help them learn more about themselves and their ancestors. The program materials are available online at listed under Activities for Youth.
As part of the challenges, family members are encouraged to keep a journal of their experiences and create memories together as a family. We encourage you to share this message with all families, both Church members and those who are not. We hope that this experience will bring families closer together as they gain an appreciation for the lasting treasures to be found in family history work.
US Constitution Class
Water Aerobics
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ready or Not!
Do you sit there and think:"
So, you wanna start or add to your 72-hour kit but don't have the money? Never fear, here's your answer!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Provident Living
Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually
Elder Robert D. Hales, Saturday Morning Session, April 2009
Elder Hales addressed his remarks “to all whose freedom to choose has been diminished by the effects of ill-advised choices of the past. Specifically of choices that have led to excessive debt and addictions to food, drugs, pornography, and other patterns of thought and action that diminish one’s sense of self worth.” He reminds us that the hopeful solution to debt and addiction is to turn to the Lord and follow His commandments.
In both temporal and spiritual things, we must ask for help from our Heavenly Father and seek strength through the atonement.
To provide providently, we must practice the principles of provident living:
Joyfully living within our means
Being content with what we have
Avoiding excessive debt
Diligently saving and preparing for rainy-day emergencies
Elder Hales stresses that “when we go into debt to buy things we can’t afford and things we really don’t need, we become poor temporally and spiritually. We do not have the time, energy, or interest to seek spiritual things.” We must say to ourselves “We can’t afford it, even though we want it!” or “We can afford it, but we don’t need it – and we really don’t even want it!”
The foundation of provident living is the law of the tithe. Tithing helps us overcome our desires for the things of this world and willingly make sacrifices for others. The payment of fast offerings helps us draw closer to the Lord and can bless others all over the world. We should also help our children learn to be provident providers by having a family budget and teaching our children the difference between wants and needs.
Elder Hales leaves us with his testimony, “I testify that the appetite to possess worldly things can only be overcome by turning to the Lord. The hunger of addiction can only be replaced by our love for Him. He stands ready to help each one of us.”
Friday, June 5, 2009
Park Day
Beach Days
Pool Hop Schedule
June 23 - Deborah Haynie
Updated Book Club List
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis on Sept 3 (Thurs)
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on Oct 1 (Thurs)
5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen on Nov 5 (Thurs)
The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck in December
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Family Home Evening

Friday, May 29, 2009
Something for Everyone/FREE Summer Fun
Do your children have good grades? Reward them at Boomers in Vista. Boomers offers a good grade deal: 3 tokens for every “A” and 2 tokens for every “B” with a maximum of 20 tokens per child which is a $7 value. You have to go within 6 weeks after the report card is issued and take your report card with you.
Fun summer reading programs:
- Barnes and Noble offers a reading program for children grades 1-6. They read 8 books and then take their journal to Barnes and Noble for a free book. They can do this twice during the summer. It really helps promote reading. The journal is found at
- San Diego Fair also has free tickets for children if they fill out a reading log and have their teacher or librarian sign it. It will save you $7 a ticket. Here is the log
- The Escondido Public Library has a great summer reading program which starts on June 17. The children’s program is ages 3 to 12 (6th grade). They also have a teen reading program. You sign up at the library for these programs. The children get certain prizes when they read so many pages. In the past we have received Legoland passes, zoo passes, museum passes, fun little prizes. The teenagers have drawings. They also offer all sorts of fun events. In the past they have had magicians, Natural History Museum, animals, music, etc. Here is a calendar of events for this year (make sure you check locations): The program ends August 1. Your child doesn’t have to know how to read for this program, you can read to them.
Who doesn’t care for a good movie? Escondido Regal Movie Theater offers free movies starting June 16 every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. They show one G and one PG each day. For movie listings:
San Diego has residents free Tuesdays at Balboa Park. Every Tuesday several museums are free. Check out which museum is which day.
Some of our family favorites are: Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, Model Railroad Museum, Natural History Museum, and San Diego Air & Space Museum
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Day Breakfast
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Relief Society Temple Night
Stake Relief Society Education Day
4th of July Stars
June craft group will be making stars again like we did at super Saturday on Tuesday, June 9 at 7 p.m. at Lynn Muir's home. These will be 4th of July stars. We will send around a sign-up for the stars, but you will need to supply our own 12X12 paper 2 sheets of 3 different patterns (6 sheets total), bring your own scissors, foam brush, and mod-podge. All supplies are available at Michaels Arts and Crafts.
Dr. Legner's Summer First Aid Survival & How to Stay out of Dr. Knowlton's Office by Keeping Healthy
June Book Club
We are meeting to discuss the book on Thursday, June 4 at 7 p.m. at Cathy Gray's home.
"Love and Physical Intimacy in Marriage"
Tuesday, May 26 ay 7 p.m.
at Annette Sabin's Home
3218 Kershawn Pl.
Appropriate for all Relief Society sisters.
Yummy dessert will be served
You will not regret coming!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Power of Forgiveness
Sunday's lesson on the Power of Forgiving stresses Joseph Smith's attitude and example about this subject. He has stated" One of the most pleasing scenes that can occur on earth, when a sin has been committed by one person against another, is to forgive that sin; and then according to the sublime and perfect pattern of the Savior, pray to our Father in heaven to forgive the sinner also." He has also said "....and inasmuch as long-suffering, patience, and mercy have ever characterized the dealings of our heavenly Father towards the humble and penitent, I feel disposed to copy the example, cherish the same principles, and by so doing be a savior of my fellow men." Joseph followed the example of the Father and the Son...he was quick to forgive those who turned against him, when they returned and asked his forgiveness. We had an in depth discussion of the values,difficulties, and challenges of being forgiving. We determined that often it is a long process, but one that can bring peace to our souls. As we learn more from the scriptures about the Godhead, and try to emulate their example, it will help us to become more forgiving.
(Gaila Strawn paraphrased a quote that we all could ponder. She said that "holding resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for other person to die".)
The Spiritual Gifts of Healing
We need to be careful not to get carried away with worldly stuff (cars, boats, expensive clothing, too many activities) and focus on eternal things.
The Apostle Paul taught, "Now concerning spiritual gifts... I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way." (1 Cor. 12:1-2, 31)
The minister Charles Jefferson (1898 - 1929) wrote: "The only thing which places a man above the beasts of the field is his possession of the spiritual gifts. Man's earthy existence is but a test as to whether he will concentrate his efforts, his mind, and his soul upon the things which contribute to the comfort and gratification of his physical instincts and passions, or whether he will make as his life's end and purpose the acquisition of spiritual qualities."
What are the best gifts? We listed lots on the board - they included not only gift of healing, prophecy and tongues, but also the gifts of asking, avoiding contention, listening, hearing and using a still small voice, being able to weep, avoiding contention, caring for others, being able to ponder, patience, humility, integrity, kindness, etc.
The Savior commanded us to become perfect - yet none of us will obtain perfection in this life. President George Q. Cannon stated, ... "If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for the gift that will make us perfect. No man ought to say, 'Oh, I cannot help this; it is my nature.' He is not justified in it, for the reason that God has promised to give strength to correct these things, and to give gifts that will eradicate them." ...
How do we acquire spiritual gifts? To receive any spiritual gift, we must be worthy of it. The Lord said that spiritual gifts, "are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do; that all may be benefited that seek or that ask of me." (D&C 46:9)
How do we discern between true and false spiritual gifts? President Hinckley said, "You recognize the promptings of the Spirit by the fruits of the Spirit - that which enlighteneth, that which buildeth up, that which is positive and affirmative and uplifting and leads us to better thoughts and better words and better deeds is of the Spirit of God. That which tears us down, which leads us into forbidden paths - that is of the adversary. ... How do we recognize the promptings of the Spirit? You put it to that test. If it invites to do good, it is of God. If it inviteth to do evil, it is of the devil.... If you are doing the right thing and if you are living the right way, you will know in your heart what the Spirit is saying to you."
Conclusion (didn't have time for this in class...)
Marvin J. Ashton said, "One of the great tragedies of life, it seems to me, is when a person classifies himself as someone who has no talents or gifts. When, in disgust or discouragement, we allow ourselves to reach depressive levels of despair because of our demeaning self appraisal, it is a sad day for us and a sad day in the eyes of God. For us to conclude that we have no gifts when we judge ourselves by stature, intelligence, grade point average, wealth, power, position, or external appearance is not only unfair but unreasonable.
From the D&C, we have this truth, "For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby."
God has given each of us one or more special talents. Socrates made the famous statement, "the unexamined life is not worth living." It is up to each of us to search for and build upon the gifts which God has given. We must remember that each of us is made in the image of God, that there are no unimportant persons. Everyone matters to God and to his fellowmen."